Why Should You Attend?
• All kinds of covered entities, and now, business associates of covered entities and their subcontractors as well, need to review their HIPAA compliance, policies, and procedures to see if they are prepared to meet the changes in the rules.
• New regulations concerning the release and accounting of electronic records create new burdens that your EHR and your medical records department must deal with
Webinar Includes:
Q/A Session with the Expert to ask your question
PDF print only copy of PowerPoin
Areas Covered in the Session:
• The new regulations change the way individuals have access to their records, and how much they can find out about who has accessed their records.
• Individuals can now request certain restrictions on disclosures that you must honor.
• There are new requirements for disclosers of health information to apply “minimum necessary” standards.
Official Website: https://compliance2go.com/index.php?option=com_training&speakerkey=12&productKey=145
Added by Jay Sylvester on September 27, 2012