10777 Westheimer Suite 1100
Houston, Texas 77042

In the global economy and supplier partnership, it is critical that every product development process for product, service or logisitcs, is well design - that the design inputs are well defined, design outputs are documented and auditable as well as design transfers are successful. There are millions of dollars spent on design transfers that are not effective - and instead of creating a benefit and remove liability, they instead increase the liability and risk. There have been number of FDA findings and warning letters issued against the design control processes to all sizes of medical and pharmaceutical manufactures. This topic is becoming ever increasing as we are being pressured to design faster, transfer faster, make faster yet never compromised quality, compliance, risk, or profit.

Official Website: https://compliance2go.com/index.php?option=com_training&speakerkey=5&productKey=50

Added by Jay Sylvester on September 27, 2012

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