You are invited to come be a part of our audience and experience a "live taping” of The Loretta McNary TV talk Show" on March 12th at Ridgeway Assembly of God Church located at 3150 Ridgeway (off Knight Arnold Road).
The doors open at 5:30 pm! Admission is FREE! Dr. Stacy Spencer, Pastor of New Direction Christian Church will be one of our very special guests! We will also have on hand our team of Medial experts to discuss prevention and education. Plus will we feature some of Memphis' best and most talented artists. Live musical performances! You don’t want to miss this great experience!
This is also a great opportunity to network with other professionals and business owners! You may even win a door prize or two! Invite your friends and family to come with you or just simply meet you there.
For more information visit our website at
Official Website:
Added by Loretta McNary Show on February 18, 2009