Nightlife on Mars is a local comedy troupe consisting of Joe Nguyen, Adam McLaughlin and Ryan Cronin. We run a biweekly show at Murphy's Pub, located in the Financial District of San Franciso.
This week, the members of NOM will be absent but we have an awesome show for you with some of the best local comedians.
Trevor Hill is a regular at Bay Area clubs and colleges who we're excited to have at Murphy's for the first time. Trevor is one of the few known comedians with a fake hate site dedicated to him.
Back for a limited time from the Big Apple, we're happy to have Katie Compa while she's in the Bay. Katie has been known to slay audiences in the Bay Area and in NYC, all while maintaining a strict schedule of judging people.
Natasha Muse, producer of the hilarious A Funny Night for Comedy show on the second Sunday of each month, is another NOM favorite who we graciously welcome back.
Click on the poster below for more info and for tickets, which are $7 online and $10 at the door. Draft beers are $1 off during our shows, and Murphy's has an awesome selection!
Official Website:
Added by VietJew on July 20, 2011