20 S. 2nd Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106

How would you like to spend an evening listening to live music and laughing? That’s right, Robyn Harris who lived in Philly for 3 years before touring around the country, is coming back to town for a special performance, and if you pre-order your tickets online, you can get a free MP3!

Robyn’s music has been described as Norah Jones meets Sheryl Crow who then hangs out (for way too long) with Sarah Silverman. She interweaves sensitive ballads, (for example one popular tune is about being mugged on South St.) with hilarious songs about dating and “not falling in love” taking her audience on a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Robyn is also known for involving the audience, including using unconventional tools like arming the listeners with pots and pans so they can play along with her. Come listen to Robyn tell stories, tell jokes and tell YOU to play along. It’s not just an evening out, it’s an experience.

Tickets are selling fast, so get your tickets now.

Buy tickets now at: http://www.comcasttix.com/eventinfo/search.php?sp_q=robyn+harris®ion=east

and you will receive a free MP3. Email: 'YAHOO EVENTS' in the subject line.

But wait, there’s more… If you email your ticket confirmation to robyn@robynharris.com by Monday at 9pm, you will also receive 50% off any merchandise purchase at the show. That includes CDs, normally priced at $19.99. They’re already discounted at the show for $12, and if you get your ticket now, they'll only be $6.

See you at the show!
Visit: www.robynharris.com; www.tinangel.com

Added by tinangel show on August 31, 2009

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