Looking for highly motivated ambitious individuals to become Independent Distributors for fastest growing Health Juice company, Monavie.
As a MonaVie Independent Distributor you are an entrepreneur who from day one has a distinguished research and development team, a fantastic product that everyone can benefit from, a fully staffed sales and marketing team, and a friendly customer support staff dedicated to your success.
In only our third year we reached $650 Million in sales in the U.S, Canada, Singapore, Japan, France, Monaco, Puerto Rico, and Brazil and we are still expanding into other countries.
If you are interested in getting in on this ground floor opportunity please join us for informal tasting and brief presentation about how Monavie is changing lives.
Where: Embassy Suites Hotel
1325 East Dyer Road
Santa Ana, Ca 92705
When: May 7th, 2008 7PM
Fee: $5
*PLEASE EMAIL : jengallo_monavie@yahoo.com if you are planning on attending*
Thank you, we look forward to seeing you :)
Added by DiscoverMonavie on May 2, 2008