200 First Street
Lake Oswego, Oregon

The City of Lake Oswego is hosting a once-in-a-lifetime music event --- the 7-7-07 Live Earth Concerts --- to build awareness of Global Warming and sustainability.
We invite you to attend, and to be a part of the event.

The City will tap into the webcast of the globe-wide “Live Earth*”
concert series, followed by the “Live LO Show” featuring local performers. The all-day music event begins at 8:30 a.m. in conjunction with the Lake Oswego Farmers Market. The City will broadcast onto the big screen the “Live Earth” concerts from Rio De Janerio and Giants Stadium scheduled to include: AFI, Akon, Alicia Keys, Bon Jovi, Dave Matthews Band, Fall Out Boy, Jennifer Lopez, John Mayer, Gilberto Gil, Kanye West, Kelly Clarkson, KT Tunstall, Lenny Kravitz, Ludacris, Melissa Etheridge, Rihanna, Roger Waters, Sheryl Crow, Smashing Pumpkins, Snoop Dogg, and The Police.

After the big finale on the east coast – at approximately 5:00 p.m. our time – the “Live LO Show” begins with our own local talents of Daniel Crothers & Friends stepping up to the mike, followed by The Sandin Wilson Group (led by bassist Sandin Wilson of Quarterflash) playing at 7:00 p.m.

If you are involved with an organization or business related to global warming or sustainability, we invite you to be one of our "special guests." Throughout the webcast and live evening performances, our special guests will have time on stage in between music sets to offer their perspectives about and solutions to Global Warming. Plus, our special guests may distribute marketing or informational materials at the 7-7-07 event booth, as well as informally network and share information on sustainable living practices all day long at the event.
Please contact Jean Baumann [AnswerTheCall@PresentDynamics.com] to be added to our special guest roster.

The City is hosting the event with the support of Jean Baumann and Daniel Crothers. Jean, owner of Present Dynamics, Inc., is dedicating this year to advocate action by individuals and organizations to respond to Global Warming. Daniel is the founder of Professional Artists for Positive Action (PAPA). This event is also made possible with the support of corporate sponsors: Charles Seaman at Oswego Luxury car dealership, Fred Breuer with FloorCo Hardwood Flooring, Judith Allan of Oregon Natural Health Clinic, and Lori Fish from Buchic Bamboo Clothing. Thank you!

We look forward to seeing you at the 7-7-07 Live Earth Concerts event at Millennium Park!

Judie Hammerstad
Mayor, City of Lake Oswego

Jean Baumann
Present Dynamics, Inc.

Daniel Crothers

* Live Earth is a 24-hour multiple-venue concert across the world
featuring 150 top musicians to kick off “S.O.S. - Save Our Selves - The
Campaign for a Climate in Crisis” to heighten public awareness about
Global Warming. Kevin Wall, Executive Producer of Live 8, is producing
Live Earth.

Official Website: http://www.liveearth.org/

Added by etradaniel on June 14, 2007