Appearing Saturday, September 27th at 10:00 p.m.
At The Thunderbird In North Hollywood (formerly The Blue Saloon)
4657 Lankershim Blvd.
(818) 766-4644
11:00 p.m. Backbiter
12:00 p.m. Axis Of Evil! (Carnage Asada 10 years later!)
$5 at the door!
Since the theme of this flyer is reminding people about stuff, here's a few
other reminders:
...that the Earth is round and not flat, like that judge down in Alabama
seems to think.
...that the California Recall The Governor Campaign is not a circus like the
news media has labeled it, because a circus would have a ringmaster,
something this situation clearly does not have. There are, however, plenty
of clowns, so it's almost a circus. Now if we could just cram them all into
a tiny little car and drive it off a cliff, we could really send a message
people would remember.
...that if you actually give a damn whether Jen and Ben get married or not,
you really need to get a life.
...that the New Television Season has now officially begun, so you can put
away the valium until the next Rerun Season starts in about 22 weeks.
...that if the new TV Season bores you to death, you can always try Extreme
Ironing. We're not kidding. This really is a new extreme sport. If you don't
believe it, just go to www.extremeironing.com and check it out.
...that life really is bizarre, and you are not imagining it. Maybe it's not
time to put away the valium just yet.
...that we are gonna blow the freakin' roof off The Thunderbird this
Saturday night, and we'd really love to see ya there. Backbiter and Axis Of
Evil, two of the best bands in all of Los Angeles, will also be coming down
to do some severe damage, so this should be one helluva throwdown. We got a
friend flying in all the way from Rochester, New York, for this one, so it's
serious. We'll be debuting a brand new song in our set called "Good War", a
song that absolutely no one outside the band has heard yet, so it just might
be a historic night. Ya never know...
For more details, to listen to tracks of "Nothing Strange" or to be removed
from mailing list, contact Ritual at:
Added by aberoham on September 24, 2003