What: Vancouver's Monthly Literary Gathering: Hemingway's Birthday Party
When: 7-9pm, Wednesday, July 20th, 2005 (3rd Wednesday of each month)
Where: The Shebeen, behind the Irish Heather, 217 Carrall Street in
Why: Not? Like you're doing something better on a Wednesday?
Who: Contact lorraine.murphy@gmail.com for more information
How(much)? $20 if you reserve online before July 15th, $25 thereafter
Vancouver's next Monthly Literary Gathering is Wednesday, July 20th
from 7-9pm at the Shebeen; the theme is Hemingway's Birthday, and
Canadian author James Sherrett will be reading Hemingway-inspired work
from his new book. Our monthly Literary Gatherings bring together writers, editors, agents, publishers and others in the business of working with words for ideasharing, education, networking and boozing. This month's event will feature Hemingway's favorite
Daiquiri (no blender in sight!) and an authentically macho, game-based
light dinner. Dress safari or expat; bonus points for epaulettes.
Tickets $20 to July 15th, thereafter $25. Includes light dinner and
first drink. Full menu also available a la carte, and 100+ whiskies!
Reserve @ https://secure.clearpro.com/literary/registration.asp.
Strictly limited to 40 places.
Added by raincoaster on July 10, 2005