Flood, an original collaboration
choreography by Liss Fain
With: Drew Takahashi (film),
Richard Kizu-Blair (film),
Matthew Antaky (visual design)
Also on the program: "When Still" (2006), choreography by Liss Fain
TICKETS: $32 and $26/general; $27 and $22 YBCA members; student/senior discounts
BOX OFFICE: (415) 978.ARTS (2787) and www.lissfaindance.org
For nearly two decades, Liss Fain has produced vibrant, abstract pieces that are renowned for their mature professionalism, fluid movement and poetic musicalitywhich stands neatly at the apex of contemporary and classical dance. (ballet.co.uk)
Liss Fain Dance premieres FLOOD, an original collaboration that brings together a strong creative team with remarkable credentials - Filmmakers Drew Takahashi and Richard Kizu-Blair, and Visual Designer Matthew Antaky. FLOOD is set to the last two sections of Louis Andriessens contemporary opera Writing to Vermeer about the Dutch Year of Disaster, 1672, when the dikes were opened to flood the countryside in order to prevent a French invasion. A famous Dutch saying describes the condition of the Republic during the Year of Disaster as beyond salvation, its government as out of its wits, and its population as beyond reason. This event echoes the current state of the world situation, in which strife and warfare are happening while most Westerners live in isolated comfort. Liss Fain states that she is not a political artist and the dance is not intended to be an overt political statement, however I am interested in the juxtaposition of the incompatible facets of peoples lives...The precarious political and environmental situation in much of the world reaffirms my commitment to create work that addresses the undercurrent of discord and the resulting impetus to change, destroy, and create. Situations in flux generate enormous energy for thought and action; in creating this work, I am working with the ideas of serene love, trust, anguish, horror, and overwhelming force.
To round out the evening, Liss Fain Dance will also perform WHEN STILL (2006) a group work set to choral music by Monteverdi and Gregorian chant arranged and sung by Chanticleer, San Franciscos Emmy award winning mens chorus. The title, WHEN STILL, is taken from the first line of the poem by Petrarch "When Heaven and Earth and Wind are Still." The introspective depth and feeling of this piece balances the urgency of FLOOD, yet reinforces the reflective theme of the evening how does one resolve volatility and discord with internal serenity.
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of NEQA.
Added by NEQA on May 18, 2007