990 Smithe St
Vancouver, British Columbia

L- loads of fun
I- intelligent conversations
S- savory asian food
A- auction prize packages
S- single? come have some fun (come join the fun even if you aren't single)

D- donations to the 24 hour relay greatly appreciated (see below for ways to donate)
I- interesting new people
N- no more speed dating
I- invite lots of friends to come (bring 10 friends and get a free drink)
N- not expensive. $25 for the whole night (including food and a drink)
G- great pictures from past dinners

C- come dressed up in your favourite asian costume/clothes (if you want)
L- let's meet after 7pm at Azia Restaurant (990 Smithe St)
U- under a week to go till the 24 hour relay (party is on June 9th, 2007)
B- birthday cake, what is a birthday party without a cake?

Ways to donate to the 24 Hour Relay (besides walking the relay with me):
- donate online
- go to 'http://www.24hourrelay.com/default.aspx?PageID=1013&Type=3';
- click on 'choose a runner'
- relay is 'Vancouver 24Hr Relay'
- team is 'Business Objects'
- runner is 'Lisa Ha'

- purchase a great prize from the auction

- make a donation in the donation box

- eat more and drink more (Azia will donate 5% of the total revenue from my party to the 24 Hour Relay)

For tickets: call 778-888-2582 or email lisa@lisasdining.com

Official Website: http://www.lisasdining.com/Special_Events.html

Added by LisaH on May 26, 2007

Interested 1