'By Chance' is the fourth Curatorial Initiative show supported by the Warhol Foundation. This show is curated by emerging curator Lisa McCarty who also worked on "Hystoria" with JW Mahoney. In this show Lisa explores chance within the context of curating and artmaking, inquiring into the processes involved in both these pursuits when the element of chance is involved. Lisa includes six artists that use, invite, or embrace chance within their work. She selected the first three artists, Thomas M. Lowery, Michael Matason, LaRinda Meinburg and each of these three artists then picked one additional artist each to include in the show. The show is made up of artists that all utilize chance in their work and is also brought together by chance in the DCAC exhibition space. In a larger context it also facilitates an investigation into the process of curating and provides a forum to rethink the relationships between artists, their works and curation.
Added by Upcoming Robot on May 7, 2008