605 Main Street
Middletown, Connecticut

Songwriter Circle featuring Lisa Lawrence , Emma Weiss and Krizta Moon
With so many talented singer/songwriters out there we've decided to bring you a few at a time. Thus, come get a taste of their gifts and enjoy their sounds collectively and individually. CDs will be available so you can take them home with you.

Lisa Lawrence is an acoustic folk/rock singer songwriter from Windsor Locks, CT. She has recorded 3 CD's and her most recent CD was released on Sling Slang Records. Her influences include Joni Mitchell and the Replacements. Lisa also performs in a 4 piece "Cow Punk" band called "The And Band." www.myspace.com/lisalawrence

Emma Weiss is a singer/songwriter from Northeast CT. Emma's music and guitar style are un-conventional. Finding inspiration for song through open tunings, and playing with multiple guitars makes Emma an act to reckon with! Emma's music sits resting comfortably on the borders between acoustic folk music, independently created groove, and percussive funk.

Krizta Moon has been performing and recording throughout the Northeast for the past 12 years. Her personality is charismatic and her jovial energy has captivated audiences of all ages. Krizta's influences spin through a prism spectrum of artists that makes it difficult to nail her kite tails down. Some call it Folk, others call it Familiar, either way it moves people, draws them in and keeps their attention. Krizta's voice has been described as sultry sweet with dreamy grit. Moon is a songwriter accompanying herself on acoustic guitar. Her songs elicit mystical warmth and devious charm.


Added by thebuttonwoodtree on July 1, 2009

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