This latest ensemble work from Robert Lepage and Ex Machina is an epic panorama linking nine lives spanning seven decades, and spinning stories that are surprising, funny and moving.
As we are taken on a nine-hour journey, we stop off between war-torn Vienna, pre-revolutionary Nicaragua and present day London, encountering people who have lost the power of speech and people for whom speech is the only lifeline.
A dubbing studio to the world of vocal forensics, Lipsynch follows a cluster of interwoven destinies, where each voice is searching for its own identity.
Weekend cycles 6 7 13 14 Sep
Performance time: 13:00
Running time: Approx 9 hrs/inc 4 intervals and 1 extended meal break
Weekday cycle (3 parts across 3 nights)
Part 1: 9 Sep
Part 2: 10 Sep
Part 3: 11 Sep
Performance time: 19:15pm
Running time: Each part approx 3 hrs/inc interval
Latecomers will not be admitted
In English, French, German and Spanish with English surtitles.
Directed by Robert Lepage
Produced by Ex machina/Théâtre sans Frontières
In association with Cultural Industry and Northern Stage
Co-produced by barbicanbite08, Cabildo Insular de Tenerife and Festival TransAmèriques, Montrèal
Written by Frédérike Bédard, Carlos Belda, Rebecca Blankenship, Lise Castonguay, John Cobb, Nuria Garcia, Marie Gignac, Sarah Kemp, Robert Lepage, Rick Miller, Hans Piesbergen
Official Website:
Added by ChrisDodo on July 31, 2008