The Charleston, SC Linux Users Group (CSCLUG) is sponsoring a free Linux Demonstration Day at Muddy Waters Coffee Bar. Guests can try out computers running Linux and free open source software.
Open source software is free because it is community developed. This software concept is becoming more popular as big names like Mozilla's Firefox are making news with download records. Did you know Firefox has so many cool features and add-ons because everyone who uses it is able to contribute to the project?
Come learn more about open source, and how the free software can save you money on licensing fees, while keeping you up to date with the latest in computing.
A free alternative to Microsoft's Office Suite, will be available, and even allows the user to save in .doc and .pdf formats.
See how easy it is to install new programs and control settings.
Have some fun with SuperTux (a Super Mario inspired video game) and a wireless controller.
Test drive Ubuntu and Fedora, two popular flavors of Linux, both free and provides programs with the same capabilities as Windows.
Learn about open source software available for the Windows platform.
All guests can take a LIVE CD home with them of the free software demonstrated. These are not trial periods, or low quality alternatives. Many IT professionals use Linux servers and open source software everyday. The software giants want you to think Linux is too hard for normal users and you can't live without their products. These myths just aren't true.
CSCLUG members are happy to help anyone who wants to install Linux, or dual boot (make the computer share the hard drive between Windows and Linux).
Any questions, please email or visit the CSCLUG website at
Official Website:
Added by Eawest on August 14, 2008