1.5 General Recertification Credits
The first rule of linking HR functions with organizational goals is admitting there's no such thing as an 'HR Goal.' Learn how to break out of the 'Personnel' mold and successfully transition to the management team.
Discover the secret to thinking, talking and acting like a business leader who truly understands your organization. With the right focus, you will soon find yourself a strategic member of the management team - one who plays a significant role in achieving business results!
About the Presenter
Luanne Stevenson, Management Consultant and Business Coach, Human Side Consulting, has over 20 years of leadership and management development experience. As a facilitator and coach, her clients include numerous Fortune 100 companies as well as the public sector. In combining her high level of energy, training and coaching expertise, Luanne has successfully improved the leadership of these organizations resulting in the completion of business initiatives and improved operational results. Luanne has also carefully selected a team of skilled human capital professionals to partner with her and the client to provide comprehensive solutions to meet client's needs including: incorporating a blended approach to learning including classroom training, interactive webinars, action learning, 360 assessments, mentoring and coaching; using a facilitation style that is both inspiring and educational and provides interactive exercises designed to inspire action and actively involve participants in the process in order to deepen their learning; providing performance consulting and coaching through customization of numerous programs in the area of human capital development for all levels of the organization and have received outstanding evaluations for their work.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on March 12, 2013