1.5 General Recertification Credits
The first rule of linking HR functions with organizational goals is admitting there's no such thing as an 'HR Goal.' Learn how to break out of the 'Personnel' mold and successfully transition to the management team. Discover the secret to thinking, talking and acting like a business leader who truly understands your organization. With the right focus, you will soon find yourself a strategic member of the management team.
About the Presenter
LaTonya Olivier, SPHR-CA, M.Ed., CCP, GRP, CEO & Principal Consultant, BLC Partners, LLC, has over 20 years of combined consulting and internal HR Executive experience. She has directly worked for employers ranging from divisions of large publicly owned corporations to small entrepreneurial enterprises. She has also worked in both the private and public sector as an HR Leader. Her undergraduate degree is in journalism from Texas A&M University and her Master's Degree is in Adult Education and Human Resource Development Leadership from The University of Texas at Austin. She has also completed all but her dissertation towards her Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Planning.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on February 26, 2013