LinkedIn can be a fantastic marketing tool. The problem is that very few people really understand how to market themselves effectively on LinkedIn without looking like spammers.
I’ve gotten a few hundred thousand dollars worth of business from people who found me on LinkedIn. In this webinar I’ll show you how I did it and how I use LinkedIn to promote some of my clients.
This is what you’ll learn:
- The most common mistake people make on LinkedIn (and how you can avoid it).
- How to create a profile that actually gets people’s attention (this is extremely important).
- How you can get dozens of recommendations (and why this makes all the difference).
- How you can get people to trust you and refer business to you.
- The one thing I spend 5 minutes per week on and gets me 200 visitors a day.
- How you can position yourself as the #1 authority in your field (imagine being able to choose what clients you want to take and which one you want to turn down.)
- How to promote events on LinkedIn.
- How to use LinkedIn’s advertising program to get your company in front of people you couldn’t reach any other way.
The webinar is on December 29, 2010, at 1pm PST. It’ll be 30-minutes-long and we’ll have a 15-minute Q&A session after that.
Register NOW:
Official Website:
Added by Zeke Camusio on December 17, 2010