The next likemind bri takes place on Friday 19th at the Red Roaster.
For those of you that haven't been to likemind, or maybe have been to likemind and still don't get what it is -
likemind is a global social real world thing, taking place in over 50 cities around the world on the third Friday of each month. Iain Tait and myself have been hosting the Brighton one for the past year.
There is no agenda and I don't want to suggest the kind of people it's for, but in the past 12 months we've had graphic designers, web people, musicians, artists, imagineers, writers, instigators, accountants, sound designers, radio and tv people come along.
You don't have to fit into one of these neat boxes, but it helps if you are interested and passionate about something and maybe want to share that passion with others.
Official Website:
Added by Curtis James on September 12, 2008