Crises are the foresigns of mutations. You can choose to weather this one out by postponing all plans for the future. Or you can choose to take advantage of it by embracing change.
Throughout the world, entrepreneurs, researchers, artists, designers, activists, are inventing radically new ways to innovate, design, produce, trade, exchange and manage. They intend to change the world; In fact, they have already set out to change it.
Technology is either their tool, or the leverage that they use to look at situations, problems and opportunities under a new angle.
On June 18 and 19, they will be at LIFT France to express their vision of a "hands-on future", a future of do-it-yourself change:
o Changing Things: Towards objects that are not just "smart" and connected, but also customizable, hackable, transformable, fully recyclable… Towards decentralized and multipurpose manufacturing, or even home fabrication…
o Changing Innovation: Towards continuous and networked innovation, emerging from users as well as entrepreneurs, from researchers as well as activists…
o Changing the Planet: Towards a "green design" that reconnects global environmental challenges with growth, but also with human desire, pleasure, beauty and fun…
Official Website:
Added by Daniel Barradas on March 3, 2009