4040 Division St
Morris, Illinois 60450

People who are struggling to buy food for their families or themselves can get free nonperishable items like fruit, cereal and pasta sauce at Saratoga School in Morris at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday,Nov 22.

Hunger is not some abstract thing that happens out there. It is getting harder and harder for families right here in our community to make ends meet. They may have been laid off from their jobs, or they may be single parents who are having trouble making ends meet. We want to show God’s love to people by meeting some of their physical needs - no strings attached.

The food distribution will take place immediately after the LifeChurch of Morris experience ends on Sunday, but people do not need to attend the church or have any connection with the church to receive the food. Jesus loved and helped everyone who crossed his path who wanted helps. In Matthew 25:40, the Parable of The Sheep and the Goats, Jesus said ‘whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ We want to help meet people’s physical needs so that they can eventually focus on their spiritual growth and becoming fully devoted followers of Christ. It can be hard to deal with your spiritual development if you’re hungry and you don’t have food to feed yourself or your family. People shouldn’t feel embarrassed about accepting help when they fall on hard times.

Food distributed will include items such as pasta and pasta sauce, canned vegetables and fruit, canned soup, peanut butter and macaroni and cheese. “We have no idea how much demand there will be, so we’ll have to distribute the food on a first-come, first served basis.

Saratoga School is located in Morris, at 4040 N. Division Street, which is on Route 47, north of I-80. The LifeChurch of Morris experience begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 11:30, when the food distribution will begin. For more information, call 815-318-5469 or visit http://www.LifeChurchMorris.org. For prayer support, visit http://www.LifeChurchMorris.org or call 815-318-5434.

Official Website: http://www.LifeChurchMorris.org

Added by LifeChurch of Morris on December 28, 2008