Life Line Screening is dedicated to providing affordable, reliable, preventivehealth screenings to the people in our communities. They partner with doctors tohelp detect health problems as an effective way to improve quality of life. EachLife Line Screening is a community-based event that is staffed by highly trainedhealthcare professionals committed to promoting a proactive approach to thehealth and well-being of each individual. Educational material to support the fee-based screening service is supplied by Chandler Regional and Mercy GilbertMedical Center.
Life Line Screening offers testing and assessments for the following conditions:stroke, carotid artery disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, atrial fibrillation,peripheral arterial disease, heart disease risk, osteoporosis risk, elevated c-reactiveprotein, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, and elevated liver enzymes.
Screening packages start at $60.00.
Registration is required for these events. Please call 1.800.779.6353 or register online at
Official Website:
Added by chandlerregional on December 13, 2010