There will be a screening of the documentary "Life and Debt" this Friday, September 15th at 7pm at the Democracy Center at 45 Mt Auburn St in Harvard Sq, Cambridge.
In Stephanie Black's devastating, artful, and intelligent documentary, Jamaican farmers tell of the downward spiral of one livelihood after another: Cheap American-imported powdered milk usurps the local dairy supply, Chiquita squashes Jamaican banana farmers, Idaho potatoes nudge out regionally grown crops. Garment workers find themselves trapped in the so-called "free zones," despicable sweatshops sponsored by the IMF and World Bank to provide jobs for Jamaican women and cheap, tax-free labor for employers like Hanes and Tommy Hilfiger. A typical paycheck is $30 every two weeks; employees who try to strike lose their jobs. The new colonialism otherwise known as corporate globalization reveals itself as a warped version of slavery.
Suggested $3 donation
Call 857 233 7508 or email RobAPSC@excite.com for more info.
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/bostonapsc
Added by harrisapsc on September 11, 2006