2050-5 E. Evans Ave.
Denver, Colorado 80208

Have you ever felt that discussion groups and hallway conversations are the best part of library conferences? Would you rather have a meaningful conversation with a small group of library people than sit and listen to another PowerPoint presentation? Are you interested in sharing ideas about libraries?

Library Camp of the West is an unconference. Instead of creating a schedule of presentations and keynotes in advance, we (that includes you) will create a loose plan for the conference on this wiki ahead of time. On the morning of the conference, we'll set the day's schedule and break out into small groups over several session based on what attendees want to talk about.

Unconferences work when everyone participates. Come with ideas, notes, examples, visual aides, puppets, whatever. Leave the PowerPoint at home.

Official Website: http://librarycampwest.pbwiki.com/