313 N Church St
Carencro, Louisiana 70520

The first post-convention SCC meeting has been scheduled for Sunday July, 12th at the Bechet House Bed & Breakfast in Carencro, La.

Tentatively on the agenda:

1. Setting the meeting calendar for the remainder of the SCC term (until Jan 2012)
2. Planning for delegate selection to the 2010 LNC convention
3. Establishing strategy for 2010, 2011, and 2012 election seasons
4. Considering candidates for endorsement
5. Formulating policies and positions on current bills/issues in the state
6. Establishing strategy for membership recruitment/fund-raising goals.

Of course if there is something else you'd like us to take up, please feel free to let everyone know ahead of time so we can all be versed and prepared on the issue.

We also need to formally approve regional reps for Lake Charles, New Orleans, Monroe, and Bayou as well as any other regions which are missing a rep. (Baton Rouge, North Shore, Cenla, Lafayette) Those interested in serving in those positions are required to attend to the meeting for SCC approval of their appointments. Anyone interested in organizing their Parish for the LPL should attend as well.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the meeting, please contact Adrien or Lee.

Also, please put this on your local free community calendars in local papers and on radio and tv stations to help get the word out. The meeting is open to the general public and the press. (a press invite will be issued later)

Please RSVP as soon as possible.

Learn more here:

Official Website: http://libertarian.meetup.com/307/calendar/10669853/

Added by tleehorneiii on June 17, 2009

Interested 1