Topics include:
* Making eduation relevant to life
* Colonialism & schools
* Creating situations where youth will thrive
* Resisting sensory restriction & standardization in schools
The presenter, Michael Sz will share some inspiring alternatives, tell a few stories & play a group game.
6-8pm : Unschooling!
8:30pm-? : Potluck followed by a dance party!
Free + all ages
Free the Schools!
Brief presenter bio:
Michael Sz. has been involved with radical causes for many years. From 1995-2001 he helped initiate two infoshops in Toledo. Michael also co-founded a community land trust that purchased property in inner-city Toledo to develop green/play space for urban youth. Professionally, he works as manager of Toledo's community gardening program – organizing food system conferences, seed swaps and recently catalyzing the return of goats and chickens to the city. He also serves as president of the Collingwood Arts Center (Ohio's only residential artist's colony). Michael has organized several radical art shows including an illegal exhibit of Iraqi/Palestinian works that illustrated the ongoing cultural genocide resulting from US policy (the art was smuggled out of Iraq (during the Clinton embargo and while displayed in Toledo Michael was harassed by Homeland Security agents based in Cleveland- no hard feelings).
Michael works with a wide array of grass roots groups especially on issues related to food, ecology and youth. He has written/spoken on many topics including ecology, youth liberation, unschooling, androgyny, food politics, anti-gentrification, et cetera. Michael's anti-schooling activism began at age six when he refused alphabetical seating (and spent first grade with his desk against the teacher's desk). Michael is a mushroom forager/cultivator, a passionate basketball player an Ethiopian cook and an aspiring beekeeper...
Official Website:
Added by jeffschuler on February 27, 2008
You can talk to Jocelyn at C-Space who has already brought some really nice chickens into Cleveland -- onto a small farm at Lorain & W. 40th...
Interesting. I'd be interested in hearing him talk about the community gardening and bringing goats and chickens back into the city. The purchased property in inner-city Toledo to develop green/play space for urban youth too.