12 Tuesdays, September 21 - December 22, 6-7pm
The first ever LGBTQ Weight Loss Challenge (WLC)!
This is an exclusive WLC for the LGBTQ community that will help you lose weight never to find it again! It is safe, fun, interactive, and everyone who participates loses weight! If you are one of the "Biggest Losers" at the end of the competition, you will also walk away a cash prize winner!
You'll receive:
* Personal coaching
* A free body analysis
* Group Support
* Nutrition and wellness education
* Weekly raffle
* Cash prizes for top losers!
Registration is $39.00 for the entire course. $25 of the registration money is paid out to the top "losers" at the end of the competition, and is based on the largest percentage of body weight loss, and not just pounds.
The class focuses on nutrition and education to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Each week you will learn a different topic of health and wellness, such as:
* Protein intake
* Hydration
* Good carbs versus bad carbs
* Sugars
* Healthy fats
* Exercise
* Stress
* Portion control
* Grocery shopping
* ...and much more!
Pre-registration is highly recommended so that you can have your one-on-one assessment and body analysis with me prior to the first meeting. Invite your family and friends!
Official Website: http://www.LoseWeightNow.com/bavalon
Added by FullCalendar on September 12, 2010