Various locations
Various locations, Midi-pyrenees

Time: August 7, 2009 at 4:30pm to August 8, 2009 at 6:30pm
Location: Class of "99" Reunion
Organized By: Latisha (Clayborne) Anderson & Kimberly jackson-Brame

Event Description:
Lew Wallace Reunion Update
Hi All, We just wanted to give everyone an update on the the things we have done regarding this class reunion thus far. We have put down a deposit on the Croatian Center, we have gotten a P.O. Box. (which is) Lew Wallace c/o "99" P.O. Box 1693, Gary In 46407. The Reunion is scheduled for Aug 7th and 8th.
Aug 7th Meet & Greet
Blade & Skate Family Event from from 4:30-6:30
Prices $5.00 @ Dr. & $2.00 Skate Rental
Club event later that night (T.B.A.)
Aug 8th Formal Dinner & Dance
The Croatian Center Class member & Date
There will be Dinner, Dancing, and awards. Cash Bar will also be available.
The prices for this event are as follows:
Single - $60.00
Classmate & Date (non classmate) $105.00
Classmate & Date (classmate) $115.00
There will be class reunion packages given out and voting for award ceremony before the meet & greet event at the Gary Public Library on 5th ave. Registration forms will soon be posted on all the websites. When and where to send dues will be included on registration forms. Please pass along this information to all class members who do not have access to these site. Any questions feel free to reply on either sites or email Latisha @ or Kim @

Official Website: or or

Added by Kimberly Jackson Brame on March 2, 2009


Kimberly Jackson Brame

we will party like it's 1999!