361 Metropolitan Ave
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Attention passengers, LEVY Airlines flight 315 will be departing from the knitting factory promptly at 9 pm on the evening of march 15th 2004.

please report to your gate, the main space of the knitting factory terminal promptly. inflight entertainment, which begins with boarding at 8 pm will include looker, dopo yume, ezra reich, and the cobble hillbillies. soft drinks and alcoholic beverages will be available from the bar for the duration of the flight.

check the website www.LEVYtheband.com for your boarding card and more details, as well as a preview of LEVY Airlines policies. just click on "songs"

the Knitting Factory
74 Leonard Street
9 pm
monday 15 Mar 04
$10 at the door, $8 in advance

to buy tickets

Added by breakdownindustries on March 11, 2004