Level 1 Training in the Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method through Bodywork and Movement:
Segment A, March 9-18 Segment B, March 22-31
The Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method integrates therapeutic massage , movement, and natural vision improvement exercises to create a unique regimen for improving overall health. Through the use of visual imagery, conscious breathing, and awareness of the body's subtle movements, students gain a new understanding of their body as a holistic system. Address movement, mobility, pain, or vision problems, and learn to prevent degenerative conditions. A unique program, taught by Meir, appropriate for individuals interested in improving their own health, caregivers, and health professionals of all disciplines. CE hours available.
Contact Melissa@self-healing.org or call 415.665.9574 for more information.
Official Website: http://self-healing.org
Added by schoolforselfhealing on February 2, 2009