603 Loch Lomond Road
Saint John, New Brunswick

Attendees will hear a very brief description of the let's talk Saint
John community forums (who we are, how we started, why we exist), but
the majority of the evening will be spent in group discussions.
Attendees will be placed into groups of 6 to 8 and work through a
series of questions on the Saint John Energy Hub and Sustainability.
After each group has had time to discuss their answers to these
questions, we will ask for each table to share their answers openly
with the whole room.

Students and volunteers will capture the discussions, summarize them
and post these (anonymous) comments online for others in Saint John to
read. In the coming weeks we will add to these summaries by collecting
the responses from other groups in our region.

Please consider joining us for this dynamic evening -- a chance to
share your thoughts and concerns about our future. And please help us
spread the word of this event. We are a small grass-roots group of
volunteers (from UNB and the local community) who believe that
discussing our future together will create a deeper understanding of
each other, the issues, and help us better prepare for the future.

If you would like to attend these community discussions, but are
unable to join us on the 16th, we are planning additional dates in
April and May. Please let us know your phone number or email, and we
can notify you of these other times.

GoogleMap directions:


We are still preparing an online space for let's talk Saint John.

In the meantime, please go to:

There you will find some additional material on our group, for example:
- the set of questions we are using at the the meetings
- more background on let's talk Saint John
- the dates for upcoming sessions
- how to get involved

Official Website: http://letstalksj.ci-fi.net/ltsj/

Added by zanthin5 on April 7, 2007

Interested 1