351 Geary St. (between Powell and Mason)
San Francisco, California 94102

World Class Speed Networking for Entrepreneurs presents:

Let's Get Acquainted: Speed Networking for SF Entrepreneurs

Thu, Jun 24, 6:30pm-8:30pm, San Francisco

MORE INFO: http://snipurl.com/speedblog
Become a Speed Networker, Not a Speed Bump

World Class Speed Networking is a fun, safe event that combines a tested model with global best practices to meet people and to introduce your business.

By attending WCSNE, you will:
+ See a twofold increase in your networking when you team up with a friend.
+ Avoid the dread of the conversation traps faced by many who attend understructured networking events.
+ Develop Speed Networking skills instead of drifting around a bar schmoozing looking for someone to meet.
+ Make business connections in 5 minutes or less.
+ Expand your network in minutes instead of working the room for months.
+ Use the leveraged power of your networking efforts in real-time to connect face-to-face and person-to-person.

Bring 60-75 Business Cards.
Business Casual is the appropriate attire for this event.

WCSNBC Facilitator:
Dutch Driver is an experienced meeting facilitator and OD professional with over twenty-five years work experience.

Thursday, June 24

The Handlery Hotel, Union Square Room
351 Geary St. (between Powell and Mason)
San Francisco, CA, 94102

Register 2-for-1 $10 online; $15 ea. at the door.

Website: http://snipurl.com/speedblog
Email: dutchdriver@att.net
Phone: 650-333-6475

About World Class Speed Networking for Entrepreneurs:
A San Francisco Bay Area original!

WCSNE is all about meeting people first to develop business relationships that could last your lifetime!

Added by nancytubbs on May 29, 2004