303 Front Street North
Issaquah, Washington 98027

“Let the Curtain Rise” – A Benefit Concert for Holly Connor

When: February 23rd, 7:30 PM

Where: Village Theatre Mainstage* - 303 Front Street North, Issaquah, WA 98027

Who, What, Why: Holly Connor, daughter of local actor Dan Connor and his wife Katie, has been blind since birth. Now, because of a non-controversial cord blood stem cell treatment, she has an incredible chance to receive the gift of sight! All donations received from this benefit concert will go towards helping Holly and her family make the trip to Thailand to get this treatment, costs for which total $75,000. We hope to see you there!

Cost: By donation, no reservations needed

Come One! Come All!

Spend the night with your favorite local musical theatre actors in this one-night-only original Benefit Concert.

This performance is free – no need to buy tickets, just show up!!!

All are welcome, and we thank you in advance for your support. For those who wish to donate, we will be accepting donations before and after the event, and at intermission. In addition, all proceeds from the baked goods and beverages at intermission will go towards the trip.

Come help us celebrate together and bring hope to this beautiful little girl and her family.


Arthur Allen, Krystle Armstrong, Britt Boyd, Dan Connor, Jadd Davis,Nick DeSantis, Beth DeVries, Caitlin Frances, Brooke Hills, Tiffany Jewell, Anne Kennedy, Bobbi Kotula, Rebekah Krupke, John Lowrie, Ashanti Mangum, Natalie Moe, Kasey Nusbickel, Mark Rabe, Jessica Skerritt, Dane Stokinger, Troy Wageman, Billie Wildrick, and Matt Wolfe

With a special post-show performance by Dan’s band, BlindChild - www.rockallday.com

For more information on Holly, please visit: http://sites.google.com/site/hollylynnconnor/Home

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Matt Wolfe or Natalie Moe at Mattwolfe76@aol.com or nataliemoe@comcast.net.

* Thank you to Village Theatre for making this event possible!

Official Website: www.villagetheatre.org

Added by katieaconnor on February 10, 2009

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