"On January 20th, 2006, the Friday before the federal prosecution of the "SHAC7' is scheduled to begin, Portland advocates for a meaningful interpretation of our first amendment rights of expression will host a benefit auction, Let Live, featuring the work of like-minded artists.
The benefit will be held from 8pm until midnight at the studio of Merrimac furniture designers (1216 SE Division). Bidding will be between 8 and 10:00pm. The benefit?s organizers, Food Fight Vegan Grocery, Merrimac Furniture, Herbivore Magazine, and Scapegoat Tattoo, are requesting your attendance and support at the benefit, with all proceeds going to support the legal and living expenses of the defendants (6 individuals and the SHAC organization) during their trial?which may last for several months.
Josh Harper and Kevin Kjonas, two of the defendants facing federal charges will be present to speak about their efforts and the trial. In addition, there will be a raffle with prizes provided by donors from around the country as well as refreshments and music. Because Merrimac Furniture has generously donated its space for the evening there are no overhead costs for the event.
The prosecution of the SHAC7, essentially for expressing their opposition to a multinational corporation?s amoral practices, is one of the most significant clashes in recent times between practitioners of dissident speech and those who would repress them. The Bush administration is seizing upon the SHAC defendants? use of the internet to organize opposition in its attack on these individuals right to oppose a powerful corporation, Huntington Life Sciences (HLS), that routinely subjects thousands of confined animals to painful and invasive. If successful, this prosecution will chill the currently robust debate of a myriad of social issues on the internet with the threat of federal prosecution, should the speakers offend the wrong corporation.
Organizers of the benefit are contributing their time, and the benefit space at no cost, and would greatly appreciate support from those who care about the future of free-speech and activism in the United States.
For an up-to-date listing of artists and donors involved, click here."
Added by jack on January 18, 2006