1580 Piedmont Ave Ne
Atlanta, Georgia 30324


Contact: Mark Augustyn, http://www.thinklibertarian.com/
Cell: (404) 822-3986 - info@thinkLIBERTARIAN.com

thinkLIBERTARIAN.com Presents

A fundraiser for the Georgia Libertarian Party

April 10, 2007 - Atlanta: thinkLIBERTARIAN.com is proud to announce its second fundraising concert for the Libertarian Party of Georgia, the LET FREEDOM ROCKFEST, to be held at Smith’s Olde Bar on Wednesday, May 23, 2007. Six local Atlanta bands are performing to raise money for Libertarian Party outreach projects in Georgia.

“After bringing out over 100 people and raising over $1,000 for the Georgia Libertarian Party last fall, it was obvious to us that we would be doing this again,” says Mark Augustyn, founder of thinkLIBERTARIAN. “Last fall we witnessed how the power of music can be utilized to spread the Libertarian message to a whole new group of interested, curious, and young minds here in metro Atlanta, while raising much needed funds at the same time.”

“Since joining the thinkLIBERTARIAN world last year, it is events like this that really have us excited. With people thirsty for alternative political ideas, it is incredibly important to keep reaching out in unique and creative ways to spread the message of limited government and individual responsibility,” says Mark Solomon, co-owner of thinkLIBERTARIAN.

To be held on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at Smith’s Olde Bar (1578 Piedmont Avenue, Atlanta, GA, 404.875.1522), the show will feature performances by: The Judies, Like Clockwork, The Lord Is My Shotgun, Heather Luttrell, Pistolero, and Fisher Meehan.
Doors will open at 7, the music will start at 7:30, and the cover charge will be $10. Door proceeds from the concert will be donated to the Libertarian Party of Georgia.

Along with the bands, the following organizations will have tables at the concert: thinkLIBERTARIAN, Libertarian Party of Georgia, Georgians for FAIRTAX, Secure Our Future, Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), Citizens Against Marijuana Prohibition (CAMP), and more to be announced. Local modern rock station 99X has placed the event on their promotions calendar and will have a promotional van at the concert as well.

Mark goes on to say “Our goal is simple: bring out more people and raise more money for the Libertarian Party of Georgia!”

About thinkLIBERTARIAN.com: A website dedicated to marketing and promoting the Libertarian Party and its principles to as many people as possible. Learn more at www.thinklibertarian.com

Official Website: http://www.thinklibertarian.com

Added by thinkLIBERTARIAN on April 14, 2007