PLEASE RSVP to info at sustainablebuildingcentre dot com This is a FREE event but we have limited seating.
This talk (hosted at Light House's centre on Granville Island) is a series of photos depicting sustainable commercial, community and domestic buildings and renewable energy systems incorporating innovative water and energy solutions. The talk will be followed by a short workshop.
Stephen Ingrouille :: Bio
Stephen Ingrouille has been working in the sustainability industry since 1976. He is the proprietor of Going Solar, a leading Australian renewable firm, and has founded a number of environment-focused community organizations. One such initiative is the Sustainable Living Foundation whose festival attracts 120,000 people to Melbourne each year. In 2004, he was a finalist in two categories of the Banksia Environmental Awards: Australians Working for a Sustainable Future and the Prime Minister’s Environmentalist of the Year. In August 2006 he won the Melbourne Award which recognized thirty years of Contribution to Environment.
Stephen specializes in sustainable design, renewable energy and sustainable transport options for a wide range of applications.
Throughout November 2006 Stephen is delivering a series of workshop presentations on the West Coast of North America. The presentation includes a series of images depicting various sustainable buildings and renewable energy systems in Australia. It covers passive building design, photovoltiacs (including building integrated PV) and solar hot water for domestic, community and commercial buildings. The presentations will be followed by a workshop discussing matters of interest to the speaker and attendees.
This event is sponsored by Light House Sustainable Building Centre and Cascadia Green Building Council, the local chapter of the CaGBC. Funding comes from Environment Canada.
Official Website:
Added by jmv on November 3, 2006