The Kanbar Center for the Performing Arts presents Les Yeux Noirs, with their intoxicating mix of Parisian gypsy jazz, klezmer and rock music on Sunday March 21, 2009 at 7:30 pm. The event will be held at the Osher Marin JCC in San Rafael as a part of the Music of the World series. For twelve years, LES YEUX NOIRS (" Black Eyes ") have been carving their own path down the road of Yiddish and Gypsy music, supported by a growing audience. Inspired by different influences, LES YEUX NOIRS invite us to share in moments of intense emotion and indescribable joy, as they weave their magic with extraordinary energy.
Both joyous and nostalgic, this nomadic music perfectly reflects the lives of a persecuted people in exile, caught up in a massive Diaspora, all with an unshakeable will to live. In 2000, the band left behind traditional standards and enriched their line-up with drums, cymbalum, electric bass and guitar, incorporated their own compositions into the mix and reinterpreted a French song in the style of LES YEUX NOIRS. Balamouk, their fourth album, has made a name for itself as a reference in the genre, both in France and abroad . In 2001, LES YEUX NOIRS debuted their career in the United States, starting from scratch. To date, they have performed more than a hundred concerts in their six tours in the States and they now regularly tour the US three months out of every year. Propelled by violin-playing brothers the Paris-based sextet offers an irresistible invitation to participate in some of the most rhythmic and emotional sounds emanating from any part of the world. This is the music that has moved people to sing and dance around the world for centuries. Ticket cost: $26 public/$23 members/$13 students More information and tickets are available at Presented in Association with The Jewish Music Festival
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 17, 2010