20 rue du Colonel Pierre Avia
Paris, Ile-de-France 75015

formaly called lesblogs, now leweb, from the website

"We are happy to announce LE WEB 3 Conference in PARIS on December 11th & 12th 2006.

Capture121tmThe first Les Blogs was held in April 2005, given the success of the 2nd edition in Decembre 2006 with 450 people from 25 countries attending the two days event we booked a room for up to 900 people this year.

Entrepreneurs, bloggers and web2.0 players around the world will be in Paris on December 11th & 12th 2006. The entire conference will be in english and as last year we expect about 50% French participants and 50% international.

The registration fee for this event will be 300 EUR (VAT excluded) if you register before Nov 11th or 500 EUR (VAT excluded) from Nov 11th to Dec 10th.

This includes the two-days conference, lunches on both days and the cocktail party on Monday evening.
Program will be available in a few days and you will be able to follow all the information about the conference on this weblog.

We really hope you can join us!"

Official Website: http://www.leweb3.com/

Added by NicoleSimon on October 23, 2006