APRIL 6-8, 2012 -- LEPRECON 38 -- Science Fiction & Fantasy Media–Art-Literature Convention. Join us Easter weekend with Guests of Honor: Actor & Film Guru STEPHEN FURST (Vir-Babylon 5, Flounder-Animal House), Artist FRANCHESCO!, Hugo-Winning Author JOE HALDEMAN, Musicians JEFF & MAYA BOHNHOFF, Game Designer TODD VANHOOSER, and Local Artist MARK GREENAWALT!
Appearances / Autographs / Social Events / Steampunk / Costuming / Merchant Room / Body Painting / Meet the Guests / Demos / Gaming / Music / Presentations / Panel Discussions / Hospitality Suite / Auctions
LepreCon will be held at the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel at 60 East Fifth Street in Tempe, Arizona. It will feature all aspects of Speculative Fiction, including media, art, literature, hard science, game design, filmmaking and much more! See the Largest Science Fiction and Fantasy Art Show in the Southwest!
Memberships are $40 (adults) thru March 31, more at the door. Special gaming only are $25. Paypal is available. Don’t wait! Hotel Room rates $125 S/D/T/Q, booking code: 2TQ83F. Make your reservations now! Hotel phone: 800-547-8705. Website: www.leprecon.org/lep38 Email: lep38@leprecon.org
Official Website: http://www.leprecon.org/lep38
Added by JyLaLee on March 23, 2012