Leotha shares some personal stories of his journey to enlightenment and his work with others. He also provides exercises as tools for those who are seeking as he presents his new book: "How Life Happens For Me, Not to Me....When I STOP Playing SMALL" In this remarkable book, Leotha shares some personal experiences about relationships which sometimes cause a manifestation of anxiety, stress, FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) and suffering. This may leave a person feeling disillusioned, tired or without direction, which may keep them a place of “playing small” in life. Join in this discussion of Leotha's new book and learn how it provides helpful tools for shifting back into balance with clarity, peace of mind and the freedom one feels after experiencing the power of forgiveness. Cost is FREE. Email events@InspiredJourneys.com or call 443-396-1282 to register
Added by Inspired Journeys on July 17, 2010