The legendary "Hellzapoppin" was a monstrous Broadway musical comedy revue created by Olson and Johnson. It ran for 5 years on Broadway. It is over-due for a genuine stage revival and Arlington's American Century Theater will be brining audiences all the chaos, noise, and running gags galore as well as the nonsense songs and musical parodies.
The show breaks all the usual theater rules with its constant go-for-broke attitude. A comedy-savy, multi-talented cast of 27 will leave audiences laughing from start to finish. Audiences just need to leave their dignity at the door.
Tickets are $23-$29. Call 703.553.8782 for information and details. Performances are Thursday-Saturday evenings at 8 PM, and select Saturday-Sunday matinees at 2:30 pm.
Official Website:
Added by American Century Theater on June 11, 2007