PRESENTER: K. Leigh Taylor, Attorney at Law, The Susan Hicks Group, PC
There are unique custody and visitation issues when domestic violence (also known by some as family abuse) is present during and after a divorce. We see and hear many stories from individuals who must co-parent or follow court-mandated visitation schedules with batterers. Abusers often employ manipulative tactics, such as using the children as messengers, to continue to threaten or harass the non-abusive parent. This workshop is designed to help non-abusive parents learn about their rights and responsibilities within the legal system so that they are better able to make decisions from a position of empowerment rather than fear or lack of knowledge. Reduced fees available based upon financial need. For authorization, call the Center: 703-281-4928 ext 242.
Official Website:
Added by twcprograms on December 11, 2008