The Left Coast Chamber Ensemble opens its 2010-2011 season with String Quartet Century.
String Quartet Century features a string quartet masterpiece of the 20th century by the influential Hungarian composer Béla Bartók, alongside two American works -- the world premiere of a new quartet by award-winning American composer Carl Schimmel, and a piece by the celebrated minimalist Terry Riley. Written over the course of a century, each of these three intricate works inhabits an expressive world of its own and celebrates the ‘string quartet’ in distinctive ways. Bartók’s Second String Quartet, composed in 1917, is the centerpiece of the program. “In the three movements of this quartet, Bartók illustrates music’s power to sing, dance, mourn, celebrate and speak, sometimes creating an infectious feeling of momentum, and at others a devastating understanding of loss,” explains Anna Presler, Artistic Director, LCCE. Carl Schimmel’s new piece composed for the string quartet offers both humor and tenderness to create an appealing new music; and Terry Riley’s minimalist G Song, written in 1980, creates a romantic minimalist sound.
Tickets are a $20 General Admission, $15 Students/Seniors and can be purchased by calling the box office at 415.383.9600 or on line at For more information, email
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Added by cmargaritafranco on October 11, 2010