Venue has been set as Mr Foley's in the centre of Leeds!
The Leeds Ruby thing is back - having skipped May because we're all too lazy to organise or blocked from posting things to Upcoming - we're back for the 5th of June.
Expect beer and socialising, everyone welcome.
Official Website:
Added by davidsmalley on May 15, 2008
The Lounge -1
Mr Foley's +100 (good ale)
I'll join in, but I warn you I'm only coming for the beer.
So not the Lounge, please :)
Those in the Ivory Tower decreed the venue to be Mr. Foley's. A few tables booked at 7pm, thanks to Deb.
Be there or be a subclass of Polygon with the mixin EqualLengthSidesMeetingAtRightAngles
Ooh you nerd.
I've got a cold. I'll see how I'm feeling later on, but I'd still like to turn up.
Tim Waters
reliance +1