897 Kifer Rd., Suit #1
Sunnyvale, California 94086

Swami Mukundananda, a renowned saint from India, will deliver Spiritual & Intellectual Lectures on 'The Science of the Soul & God Realization' in Sunnyvale, CA 94086, between 16th-22nd August, 2009

• Combining the Management Expertise with the ‘Spiritual Science’:

Swamiji, an IIT & IIM alumnus from two of world's top schools, synthesizes the Management expertise with the Divine Knowledge on the Science of the Soul that he has received from the Lotus Feet of his beloved Spiritual Master, Jagadguruttam Shree Kripaluji Maharaj.

The obvious mixture is elucidation of rather esoteric subjects that always elude the material intelligence viz., the science of the soul.

In-Depth Answers to the Eternal Quest of Humanity:

Over the ages, philosophers, psychologists and scientists have wallowed upside down within the spectrum of their intelligence to unlock the 'Unknown'. But trying to know the mind with the mind is like trying to catch the thief in the accomplice's car.

Swamiji, who has been preaching this Science for more than past twenty-five years, tries to answer the mysterious questions through the Effulgence of The Vedic Encyclopedia, such as the Upanishads, The Puranas, Shreemad Bhagavad Geeta, Shree Chaitanya Charitaamrit and other Vedic-Gaudeey Encyclopedia.

• Elucidation of Esotericism: Through deep but neutral analysis, penetrating logic and practicable parables, Swamiji offers simplified means to grasp what otherwise seems a tale of fantasy.

• Ancient-Wisdom in Modern Garb, Unmodified: The Vedas are beyond time, manifested before the concept of time was inserted into the material creation. But with changing level of consciousness and circumstances of the general psyche, these Divine Knowledge needs to be presented in a manner that contemporary souls can absorb and understand.

Having said that, what is important is that The Originality Vedas should not be vitiated by any kind of human interpretation or modification. Most of the sages, preachers of the Divine Vedic Wisdom have unknowingly ignored this Golden Principle by adding their own tone to the Universal Science, which makes the Universal Science graspable only to like-minded followers, and thus it kills its Universality and Originality.

Swamiji, quotes the relevant Texts from the relevant Scriptures, reinforcing with authenticity. Swami Mukundananda has received the Vedic Knowledge from Jagadguruttam Shree Kripaluji Mahaprabhu, who is the Fifth Original Jagadguru in past Five-thousand years.

• Venue:

‘Sanatan Dharm Kendra’, 897 Kifer Rd., Suite #1, Sunnyvale, CA 94086


Sunday: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM; Monday-Wednesday & Friday: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM.; Saturday: 5:00 PM-6:00 PM.

• Contacts:

Madan Joshi (408) 207 2012, Haritha Joshi (408) 431 9507, Shreya Bhat (972) 527 6195.

→ E-mail: secretary@jkyog.org

→ Official Webpage for More Information: http://jkyog.org/events_Sunnyvale.html

• The Science of the Soul:

The Vedas reveal that the human personality is composed of various components. They are called the panch-kosh, or Five Sheaths over the soul. Having said that, our real identity is not our physical body but Atma. Even a child can feel it… when an individual passes away from the material world, it’s physical covering i.e. body would still lay visible to us, proving that we’re not the physical covering.

• The Five Shackles over the soul: What we see of ourselves in the mirror is only the residual image that our brain can interpret, which is called the ‘Annamay kosh’. Next is the vital air plexus called the ‘pranamay kosh’, which is composed of ten kinds of breaths. The third is ‘manomay kosh’, the sheath that is made up of our desires, dreams, thoughts, memory of past lives till present moment. Fourth cover on our real identity is ‘vigyanmay kosh’ or the sheath of the information that we carry in our conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds, the intelligence and the contemplation faculty. Technically, this is called as Samskaras.

The Five Sheaths covering the Soul

The final and the most subtle prison that binds us is the ‘anandamay kosh’, or the instinct to enjoy the material world. Underneath these five layers, our real identity viz., Atma has been smothered since beyond the eternity.

Science of God Realization:

Over the Ages, the simple path to God Realization has undergone so many interpretations and modifications, earmarking sects, beliefs and paths, that the civilization today is filled with a large chunks of confused souls, who due to continual disenchantment gradually turn skeptics, agnostics and finally, atheistic & non-believers.

Today, the whole scenario of Spirituality has been restricted to religiosity and sectarianism. The wings of Spirituality have been clipped by the scissors of bigotry. And a cloud of confusion has been cast by some priests, who claim their monopoly to the science of Spirituality.

What adds pain to agony is the increasing number of fake, immature and inchoate sadhaks that have built their their shops, turning the sacred streets into a Stock-market to claim more and more followers. Spirituality is today a market that needs no qualifications, no investments and only booms further in periods of recession.

Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, Swami Mukundananda’s Spiritual Masters, is not only the Fifth Principally Original Jagadguru but is also the ‘Sanatan Vedic Dharm Pratishthapan Acharya’ meaning, the Founder and Redeemer of the Eternal Vedic Science. He is the ‘Nikhil-Darshan-Samanvaya Acharya’, meaning The One, who cleared all apparent confusions between the various theories revealed by previous Acharyas, simplifying the Path of Perfection.

He is also the ‘Bhakti Yog Rasavatar’, meaning, the ‘Descention of Pure Devotion’.

Swami Mukundananda delivers Lectures from the encyclopedic Knowledge & Insight that he has received from His Beloved Spiritual Master. The Lectures confront some of the esoteric, intellectual and mystical topics that often bewilder those seeking the answers to the Absolute Truth.

→ Who are we? Why are we here?

→ What is the Purpose of our Existence?

­→ Means to know & realize our actual identity.

A Lecture on the Eternity of the Soul's eternal odyssey in search of Absolute Bliss.

→ Is this world an illusion, a construct of mind or a reformative prison?

→ The Nature of the Material Pleasure and the reasons as to why Material pleasure never really satisfies and always eludes us?

→ The Difference between the Three Prime Paths as Enshrined in the ‘Vedas’ (i) Karm, (ii) Gyan and (ii) Bhakti. The difference between their definitions, pre-qualifications and results.

→ Why is the Godhead beyond our perceptibility and imagination?

Excerpts from a Lecture on 'The Godhead beyond the Reach of Human Intelligence'

→ How to Develop Faith in God?

→ Is it really possible to Attain the Final Beatitude, carrying in the Household life-style?

→ What is the Difference between the devotion to Impersonal God and Bhakti for The Personal God?

→ The differences between mundane love and the Divine Love.

→ What is the Scriptural Form of Meditation?

→ Who is the Guru? The qualifications and the indispensability of the Guru.

→ What is Surrender? Principles of absolute and unconditional Surrender.

Being part and parcel of the Supreme Being, a soul naturally hankers after bliss. But nature of material-pleasure is both, limited and diminishing, whereas the soul is eternal. So, after a point in time, the soul stops deriving any pleasure from the desired object, resulting in dejection and depression and/or anger.

Swami Mukundananda, the Founder of JKY, through deep Science of Vedic Wisdom, teaches a soul how to identify its real abilities and unlock the treasure within. The Vedas Reveal that the Spiritual Bliss is not only unlimited but is also ever increasing; and this corresponds to the nature of soul also. So, the only way out is to know our Hidden Identity and means to achieve the pure consciousness. To make the mass achieve that is what has been the main endeavor of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj and His disciple, Swami Mukundananda.

• Offering Perpetual Solution through the Self Realization: The root-cause to all the problems of our lives is due to our oblivion to our real identity. When a soul identifies itself with body, mind, qualifications, its social image, its desires etc., it tends restricts itself to the limit of its identifications. This clips its wings of its real nature and abilities. JKY seeks to educate the souls of their actual identity through Vedic Science and help them acheive the purpose of their existence.

→ View more philosophical Lecture-Videos delivered by Swami Mukundananda at: http://www.youtube.com/JagadguruKripaluYog#play/user/87C21FC375091A68

It Might be pertinent to note that Swami Mukundananda will deliver Lectures on a Different Subject viz., ‘The Spiritual Art of Managing Your Mind’ between 23rd-29th August, at The Hindu Temple of Sunnyvale, 420 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089.

Official Website: http://jkyog.org/events_sunnyvale.html

Added by NS Dās on August 10, 2009

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