Stephen W. Gibson is an entrepreneur, mentor, investor, philanthropist, author, and professor, yet his greatest joy is working with fledging entrepreneurs in the US, the Philippines, and Mexico. After selling his Inc. 500 medical oxygen company, he spent nearly two decades building young entrepreneurs. He founded the Academy for Creating Enterprise (stopRMpoverty. org), to help returned LDS missionaries in developing nations. Today, the organization has graduated more than 4,000 people, and most have started their own small businesses. Gibson and his wife, Bette, were honored in 2008 by BYU as the social innovators of the year.
Jeremi Brewer, PhD, graduated from Texas A&M University. His dissertation, titled Entrepreneurship, Culture, and Poverty in Developing Nations, emphasized the need for entrepreneurship to combat poverty. In December 2010, he moved to Mexico City and replicated the Academy for Creating Enterprise. He is now the Executive Director for Global Operations of the academy based in Provo, Utah. Dr. Brewer is currently conducting post-doctoral research in the Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance and leading the Micro-Enterprise Education Initiative, that teaches about the common challenges in enterprise
Founder/CEO of Discrete Headwear and professional skier Julian Carr lives life at full throttle, as documented by just one of his two world records: a 210-foot cliff drop front flip in Engelberg, Switzerland. This unbridled, fearless energy allows him to (almost) simultaneously operate Discrete Headwear, compete professionally, star in movies and still manage to write poetry and feature stories. Julian will explain how he lives such a creative, yet death-defying, lifestyle and answer your burning questions.
Added by WhenCorp on March 26, 2013