New Mexicans for Science & Reason (NMSR) will hear John Fleck, Albuquerque Journal science reporter, on "Drought, Hurricanes and Global Climate Change." The meeting is free, open to the public, and will be held at 7:00 PM on WEDNESDAY, March 8th, at Room 2402 of the UNM Law Building. Call John Geohegan at 268-3772 for more information.
SYNOPSIS BY JOHN FLECK: I'll be talking about what goes on at the intersection of science, politics and public policy, and the role of the news media (both what it is and what I think it should be). As case studies, I'll talk about global climate change, hurricanes and drought, related domains that illustrate the political and public policy issues involved, and how I try to use science to guide the journalistic decisions I make. As a bonus, I'll explain why I think Chris Mooney and Michael Crichton, two of the most frequently quoted public intellectuals on this issue (one on the Left, the other on the Right), are both wrong, in ways that are important for understanding the policy and media debates.
More info here:
Added by dukecityfix on March 6, 2006