is a Monthly Dark Dance Party taking place on the 2nd Friday of every month. In a scene saturated with "nu-rave bangers," a much needed venture away from the conventional and towards the darker side of dance is very much desired & required!
The idea behind the music is basically a sexually explicit, dark & dirty alternative to the dance music that has become as redundant as the trend follwing crowd itself.
What better place to formulate our attack, than the heart of sunny Williamsburg.
Audio stimulation will be served by Nayra (Drawn & Quartered), Carrie White[noise] (Do It/Machine Punk), Vida (Even Further/Pumps), & .dZGRa (Rebel Rebel/Diabolik)
Visual stimulation provided by .dZGRa.
Let the Depravity Commence...
Hugs 108 N. 6th (Btw Berry & Wythe), Brooklyn, NY
21 +
No Cover
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/leatherette_nyc
Added by lorddezgra on December 12, 2007