Don't let your business taxes catch you unprepared!!
This small business tax workshop will give you basic information to help you understand, organize and report your business income & expenses with guest speaker,Chuck Burch, CPA, CFP - President, Burch Financial Group.
The following topics will be presented:
Filing & Paying Taxes Types of business entities Employer Identification Number Estimated tax payments Employees Self employment tax Additional reporting PenaltiesRecords/DocumentsInformation needed by tax preparer Accounting methods Record keeping hints
Business Income & ExpensesCost of goods sold Bad Debts Vehicles expenses Depreciation Meals/Entertainment Retirement plans Office in-home
Meeting Schedule11:00-11:15 Welcome, Meet & Greet (Exchange business cards)11:15-11:45 Spotlight your business.11:45-12:45 Lunch & Learn w/ guest speaker12:451:00 Optional Networking
Cost: $35/member; $55/non-member
Reserve your space TODAY! Lunch is included!
*ONLINE REGISTRATION THROUGH MARCH 25, 2009. (Early Bird Registration through March 17th, use discount code, EARLYBIRD)
For more information about
National Business Women Enterprise Network
visit or email
REGISTER BY MARCH 17TH FOR $5 Off Regular cost! Use Discount Code: EarlyBird
Reserve your space TODAY! Lunch is included!
Learning over Lunch is a monthly networking event, hosted by the National Business Women Enterprise Network and sponsored by ReMarkable Affairs Catering, giving members and guests the opportunity to network, build relationships, present information on their business and services, exchange business cards with prospective clients and customers, and most importantly, learn different ways to improve upon and grow your business!!
Organized by National Business Women Enterprise Network, Inc.The National Business Women Enterprise Network (NBWEN) is a diverse, innovative, and emergent organization seeking enthusiastic members and alliances with a variety of organizations that cater to womenpreneurs!We are committed to improving the personal, spiritual, and professional development of womenpreneurs and their communities.
Ticket Info: - Member (PAID MEMBERS ONLY!!), $35.99
Official Website: