2727 LBJ Freeway, Suite 140,
Dallas, Texas 75234

The corporate identity of your organization is what makes your company different. It includes all the aspects of your marketing, advertising, and communication efforts.

Join our
guest speaker, Cedric Lyons, publisher of 411 Sports & Entertainment and Creative Director/CEO of World Production & Design as he shows you how your corporate identity ties all of these elements together.

Meeting Schedule
11:00-11:15Welcome, Meet & Greet (Exchange business cards)11:15-11:45Spotlight your business. 11:45-12:45 Lunch & Learn w/ guest speaker12:451:00 Optional Networking



For more information about
National Business Women Enterprise Network
visit www.nbwen.org or email info@nbwen.org
REGISTER BYAPRIL 17THFOR $5 Off Regular cost!
Use Discount Code: EarlyBird

Reserve your space TODAY! Lunch is included!

Learning over Lunch is a monthly networking event, hosted by the National Business Women Enterprise Network and sponsored by ReMarkable Affairs Catering, giving members and guests the opportunity to network, build relationships, present information on their business and services, exchange business cards with prospective clients and customers, and most importantly, learn different ways to improve upon and grow your business!!

Organized by National Business Women Enterprise Network, Inc.
The National Business Women Enterprise Network (NBWEN) is a diverse, innovative, and emergent organization seeking enthusiastic members and alliances with a variety of organizations that cater to womenpreneurs!We are committed to improving the personal, spiritual, and professional development of womenpreneurs and their communities.

Ticket Info:  
  • Member (PAID MEMBERS ONLY!!), $20.99
  • Non-member (INCLUDING FREE ONLINE MEMBERS!), $35.99

Official Website: http://nbwenll0409-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 17, 2009

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